However, I am also slightly annoyed at people, who just visit the site, don't even navigate and straight away post a comment listing their requested material and ask me to email it to them. Dont get me wrong, I get loads of compliments as well from you kind souls, but hey..why do people have to ask me to email them gre books and software for which I have already provided the download link(s) on this site!
You just need to look in the sidebar towards the right. Check out the section titled "popular posts" and the "blog archive" which is more comprehensive. You wont be disappointed, trust me. Even the gre big book is available here (though it does not have the quants section!)
And after that lecture, its time for the goodies :) Some new gre guides and books:
- GRE Maths Skills - a really nice guideline for the GRE Quants section
- GRE Antonyms and Analogies practice - an ebook that compiles the best practice questions on analogies and antonyms.
Wishing all the best for your GRE if you're preparing to give it these days... Get a wonderful gre score and make me proud!